The Integrated Club of Polish Folk Dances was founded in November 2004. Each couple within the group comprises of a child in a wheelchair and an abled child. The children perform traditional Polish dances, such as Krakoviak, Polka, Kujaviak, etc. In this way they learn and promote Polish tradition and cultural heritage. They exemplify that folk dance is great fun that helps to overcome daily worries and discomforts. Polish folk dances are exceptionally vibrant, providing not only fantastic opportunities for artistic expression, but also unforgettable experiences.
- Strona główna
- aktualne wydarzenia 2024
- repertuar
- wyjazdy zagraniczne
- Polskie Tańce Towarzyskie
- Integracyjny Klub Tańców Polskich
- PLAN ZAJĘĆ na rok szkolny 2023/2024
- Regulamin Zespołu
- Kalendarz planowanych imprez
- komunikaty
- kadra
- archiwum
- KIDS FUN FOLK Festival
- kontakt